04546-250088 | principaltksps@gmail.com

School Committee

Theni Kammavar Sangam Public School, Theni, is a private unaided Institution established in 2011 by Theni Kammavar Sangam, Theni.

S.No Photo Name Occupation Educational Qualification Designation
1 Mr. S.Namperumalsamy President B.E., President
2 Mr.S.Vasu Secretary B.E., Secretary
3 Mr.D.Rajesh Joint Secretary B.Sc., Joint Secretary
4 Mr.G.Sundaravadivelan Treasurer Diploma, Treasurer
5 Dr.J.BalaPremaDevi Principal M.Sc., M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., Teacher Member
6 Mr.S.Gowtham Business B.E., Parent Member
7 Mrs.C.Naveena Business M.B.A., Parent Member
8 Mrs.A.Chitradevi Arumugam Palaniguru Modern School B.Sc., M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., Educationist
9 Mr.V.Navaneethakrishnan Principal – Vikasha School M.Sc.,M.Ed., M.B.A., Educationist
10 Mr.P.N.Rajnarayanan Vice Principal -T.K.S. College of Technology M.E., P.hd Educationist
11 Mrs.S.Selvi Principal – Velammal Vidhyalaya M.A., M.Ed MSSC member
12 Mrs.P.Hamsapriya Principal – Mahatma CBSE School – Madurai M.A., B.Ed Madurai Sahodhaya Schools
13 Mrs.N.Pandiselvi Teacher M.A.,M.Ed Teacher Member
14 Mrs.S.Sabeshini Teacher M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil, Teacher Member


I. S.NUMPERUMAL, Son of K.P.SEENIVASAN NAIKER, age 74 years, President of the THENI KAMMAVAR SANGAM, KAMARAJ ROAD, NRT NAGAR, THENI - 625531 running the THENI KAMMAVAR SANGAM PUBLIC SCHOOL, KAMMAVAR NAGAR, KODUVILARPATTY, THENI - 625534 do hereby solemnly affirm and sincerely state as follows:

1. That THENI KAMMAVAR SANGAM is a registered Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 as amended by Madras Act XXIV of 1984 S.No.29 of 1972.

2. That the THENI KAMMAVAR SANGAM is of Non-Proprietary Character.

3. That the school is being run as a community service and not as a business and that commercialization does not take place in the school any manner whatsoever.

4. That no part of income from the Institution is being and will be diverted to any individual in the Society/ School Management Committee or to any other person/entity. The saving, if any, after meeting the recurring and non-recurring expenditure and contributions to developmental, Depreciation and contingency funds, will be further utilized for promoting the school and extending the cause of education in the same school only.

5. That school is not paying any charges towards using name, motto, logo or any other non-academic activities to any other institution, organization or body.

6. That the school will not open classes under CBSE pattern particularly class IX/X/XI/XII and will not use CBSE name in any manner without obtaining affiliation.

7. That the Principal and Correspondent/ Manager of the school have individually gone through the provisions contained in the affiliation & examination byelaws and the circulars issued by the Board from time to time. The school undertakes to abide by the provisions contained in the affiliation & examination byelaws, directions issued from time to time and the law of the land.

8. That the school will ensure compliance of all statutory requirements like EPF, ESI and Labour Laws etc. with respect to the law of the land.

9. That the school will ensure that the Building Safety, Fire Safety, Water Safety, Health and Hygiene certificates are being issued or renewed by the concerned municipal or state authorities from time to time as per the prescribed term.

10. That the school will ensure that all required infrastructure is available with the school before starting classes.

11. That the school will ensure that sufficient number of qualified teachers as per the provisions contained in affiliation bye-laws are available with the school before starting classes.

12. That the school will follow the provisions related to fee contained in affiliation bye laws and will disclose the details of the fee to the students/parents every year before start of session without resorting to any hidden charges in the heads of the fee.

13. That the school will not force any student / parents to buy books /stationery/ uniform from any particular shop.

14. That the school shall strive to make efforts for conservation of environment.

15. That the school will ensure that the school fulfills all essential requirement before applying for affiliation and will fulfill all other conditions post affiliation and comply with all the general rules as given in the affiliation byelaws or notified from time to time.

16. That the school will not start CBSE pattern classes without submitting a commencement certificate to the effect that the school has complied with all the conditions imposed by CBSE and the post-affiliation conditions contained in affiliation byelaws along with general rules.

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